Nixie Brick
Check something that is impossible to pass by without admiring. This timeless clock is for someone who wants something other than just another instant products that can be replaced with a smartphone.
‘Nixie Brick’ boasts of compatibility with wherever items/products you want such as bedside table or office desk. ’Nixie Brick’ does not make any sound while it is ticking, designed not to bother users when they are concentrating on important work or sleeping.
But the only sound it makes is when the user sets the time, this should will bring user’s memory into the old days of their childhood or bring classical sensitivity. Please, admire this ‘Nixie brick’ when you need a little peace while living in the middle of this hectic life.

Thursday, 08 : 26 am

Jaeho Sone, Engineer, Team Leader
Seohee Lee, Industrial Designer
Thank you